A simple technique to birth more comfortably

Relaxing your jaw is a really simple and effective technique to help you feel more comfortable during labour. This is because the Throat and Jaw area are deeply CONNECTED to your pelvic floor. A long fascial line (Fascia is a layer of connective tissue in the body) runs from the pelvic floor muscles all the way up to to the muscles in the jaw. The human body is complex and inter-connected.
So by relaxing your jaw, your pelvic floor area will become more relaxed. When your pelvic floor area is relaxed it can help you feel more comfortable during contractions because your cervix is able to do what it needs to do more easily - open! Also by not tensing and clenching your jaw, you'll allow your perineum to be more relaxed and able to stretch more comfortably during birth.
You can practice relaxing your jaw during pregnancy to help make it easier to do during labour.
Here are my top tips for using your jaw/throat to experience a more comfortable labour.
During Pregnancy
- Simply practice daily awareness of how you’re holding your jaw. This is a brilliant start. Being more mindful and aware of the daily tension in your jaw will likely make it more natural to think about during labour.
- When you notice your jaw is tense, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, relaxing your jaw as your breathe out. Allow your jaw to hang slightly, lips apart, and don’t clench your jaw. Learning and practicing deep breathing techniques alongside this can help to relax your musles even more. I cover breathing techniques on my Hypnobirthing courses.
- Practice relaxation. Practice relaxing your muscles during pregnancy so this can become second nature. You can do this laid down or seated. Each time you breathe out, focus on releasing your muscles one by one.
Noises for birth
- When you’re in labour, how you use your voice and the noises you make can be really helpful in keeping calm and comfortable. During contractions, particularly during the later stage and when its time to move baby down and out, try and make deep voiced groans rather than screaming. High pitched noises like screams will keep the jaw tense, whereas low/deep groans and moans will keep the throat and jaw loose. This helps the pelvis and birth canal to relax and open more easily. You could say, the noises that helped get baby in can also help move baby out. And don’t worry the midwives have heard it all!