Courses & FAQ'S

The Complete Hypnobirthing & Birth Preparation

Private 1:1 Course | £250

This Hypnobirthing and birth preparation course covers everything you need to know to feel confident, informed and prepared for birth. I teach this course 1:1 in the comfort of your own home and so it's tailored to you and your circumstances. The course is split across 4 sessions lasting around 2-2.5hrs each. If you want to learn in a relaxed in-person format, this course will be fab for you.

You'll leave the course with an understanding of the stages of labour, all of your options (incl. pain relief and induction) and how to support your body’s natural birthing hormones. You'll also learn how to deeply relax with Hypnobirthing techniques including breathing. You will be given 6 wonderful Hypnobirthing tracks to listen to in your own time and a manual. My aim is to help you have the knowledge and tools to go into labour feeling less fearful, more in control and to experience a more comfortable birth. 

 You will learn:

  • The brain and birth
  • What your body is actually doing during contractions and how to support it
  • How to acknowledge fears and help avoid the ‘Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome’
  • How to relax deeply and quickly using breathing techniques, visualisation and Hypnobirthing tracks
  • How to stay calm, relaxed, and in control throughout your labour
  • How to promote the production of your birthing hormones
  • How to trust your body to work naturally and in harmony with your baby
  • Practical preparation for birth
  • How to prepare a birth plan so that you can be better informed and feel in control of your birth
  • The knowledge and power to navigate birth should you require intervention or assistance
  • Positions to help you birth your baby more easily and comfortably
  • Breathing techniques to manage contractions and to relax between contractions
  • Breathing that works with your body to maximise your body’s own natural expulsive reflex, so you may birth your baby gently
  • How birth partners can provide incredible support
  • How to ease into motherhood 
  • Newborn knowledge

The Hypnobirthing Workshop

Group course | £90

This is a condensed course covering all the essential Hypnobirthing and birth prep you need to go into labour feeling less fearful and more in control. This is an ideal short course for those nearing their due date, or who want a refresher in hypnobirthing. It will be a total of around 4 hrs spread across 2 saturday evenings. If you want to learn in a relaxed in-person format and meet other mums-to-be, this course will be fab for you.

You'll leave the course with an understanding of labour, Hypnobirthing, breathing techniques and how to support your body’s natural birthing hormones. You will also have access to 3 wonderful Hypnobirthing tracks to listen to in your own time and a digital manual. My aim is to help you have the knowledge and tools to experience a more comfortable birth. 

Next dates: Saturday 21st & Saturday 28th September 2024

Time: 6 until 8/8.30pm

Location: The Old Schoolhouse, Hertford Street, Oxford, OX4 3AJ.

Parking available.

  • The brain and birth
  • What your body is actually doing during contractions and how to support it
  • How to acknowledge fears and help avoid the ‘Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome’
  • How to relax deeply and quickly using breathing techniques, visualisation and Hypnobirthing tracks
  • How to stay calm, relaxed, and in control throughout your labour
  • How to promote the production of your birthing hormones
  • How to trust your body to work naturally and in harmony with your baby
  • How to prepare a birth plan so that you can be better informed and feel in control of your birth
  • The knowledge and power to navigate birth should you require intervention or assistance
  • Breathing techniques to manage contractions and to relax between contractions
  • Breathing that works with your body to maximise your body’s own natural expulsive reflex, so you may birth your baby gently
  • How birth partners can provide incredible support


If you can't find the answer to your question, pop me a message, i'd love to hear from you. Sahar x

Hypnobirthing is an birth preparation method in which you learn vital information, including (but not limited to) your choices, pain relief options, how fear impacts birth and ways to reduce it, what’s happening in the body, writing a birth plan, and how to practice breathing techniques to use during labour to feel calm and comfortable.

This is combined with the ‘Hypno’ part which relates to listening to Hypnosis to help transform your deep rooted beliefs about birth and your ability to birth, to more positive beliefs. 

Whether it's your first pregnancy, you're preparing for a VBAC, you're thinking about a homebirth or anything else, Hypnobirthing is a game changer. 

The researched benefits include women feeling more in control and relaxed, less need for pain relieving medication, shorter labour, as well as reduced rates of Cesarean births, episiotomies and other medical interventions.

Hypnobirthing does not promise an easy or certain type of birth; every body and every birth is unique and we all experience the sensations of childbirth differently. However the understanding and tools you gain can help you feel more comfortable, in control and relaxed.

Yes. The mp3 tracks you will receive are Hypnosis for birth. Each session will also include a Hypnosis script. Listening to these whilst pregnant works to build positive associations for birth and rewrite the negative imagery and associations with birth that we so commonly have.   

There are lots of myths and misconceptions when it comes to Hypnosis. Hypnosis has been used for decades as a therapy and has many benefits. People can be wary of Hypnosis thinking that it is an altered state and one is out of control. Hypnosis is actually a natural state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so whilst you are open to positive suggestions, you have full control of yourself. 

The complete Hypnobirthing and birth preparation (Private and Group): 

Session 1: 

  • Why its important to prepare for birth
  • Background to hypnobirthing
  • The brain and birth
  • Birthing Muscles
  • Mammals
  • The 'Hypno' bit
  • The breath
  • Breathing technique to welcome contractions
  • A Lovely Stream Relaxation Script

Session 2: 

  • The hormones of birth
  • Maximising the role of birth hormones
  • Language for birth
  • Core of Protection Script

Session 3: 

  • Releasing negative thoughts
  • Pebbles on a Beach Script
  • Anchors
  • Birth plan
  • Preparing for birth
  • The birthing environment
  • Your birth team

Session 4: 

  • The birth partner's role
  • Decision making
  • Signs of labour and comfort measures
  • As labour progresses
  • Breathing technique for during contractions
  • Birthing your baby
  • When the journey to birth changes
  • Placentas! The 3rd stage 
  • Optimal cord clamping
  • The magic hour

The Hypnobirthing Workshop:

Session 1: 

  • Why its important to prepare for birth
  • Background to hypnobirthing
  • The brain and birth
  • Birthing Muscles
  • Mammals
  • The 'Hypno' bit
  • The breath
  • Breathing technique to welcome contractions
  • A Lovely Stream Relaxation Script
  • The hormones of birth
  • Maximising the role of birth hormones
  • Language for birth

Session 2: 

  • Releasing negative thoughts
  • Pebbles on a Beach Script
  • Anchors
  • Birth plan
  • Preparing for birth
  • The birth partner's role
  • Decision making
  • Breathing technique for during contractions
  • Birthing your baby
  • When the journey to birth changes
  • Placentas! The 3rd stage 
  • Optimal cord clamping
  • The magic hour

Yes, I encourage birth partners to join the sessions and they are included in the price. Traditionally birth partners are a husband, partner or father of your baby, but that's not always the case. Some people have their mum, friend or sister supporting them. Whoever your birth partner is they will be welcomed. 

Birth is as much a journey for birth partners as it is for the person giving birth. Birth partners can sometimes feel helpless or like a ‘spare part’ during labour. These classes will leave birth partners feeling confident about the crucial role of providing emotional and physical support. Together you can feel prepared and excited for the the beautiful journey of bringing your baby into the world.

I understand life is not always simple, and if they really can't attend the classes with you for whatever reason, thats okay; you can tell them the key info and still be an incredible birth team together.

Anytime between 23 - 32 weeks is ideal. This allows enough time to take in and practice what you learn. Practicing the relaxation and breathing techniques during pregnancy means they'll become instinctive when you need them during birth. 

If you're past 32 weeks pregnant the Hypnobirthing Workshop may be more beneficial for you as it is a shorter course.